I graduated from North Carolina A&T State University with a degree in Electrical Engineering. If you were to ask me what I do today, you might be a bit surprised. I am now a full-time creative branding photographer. How did I end up in this field? In the simplest terms, it was driven by love. I have a deep passion for what I do, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.
During my time at A&T, I also got involved in the student government association. I ran for office with the slogan “H.E.A.R.T.,” which stands for “helping everyone achieve rich transformation.” Our campus emphasized mutual support and community involvement, focusing on uplifting one another, because we believed that our success depended on the strength of our community.
So, how does this relate to my current path? Towards the end of my junior year, I picked up a Canon Rebel T4, partly as a way to relieve the stress of my engineering courses, and I quickly became enamored with photography. I started capturing moments of my friends and colleagues around campus. However, there was a challenge: I was an engineering student, and my time on campus was drawing to a close.
After graduation, I entered the workforce but never put down my cameras. Interestingly, I found myself working at AT&T in the Technology Department, and later in the National Distribution channel. These experiences taught me a lot and allowed me to forge some valuable friendships. Yet, my heart was leading me in a different direction, towards photography.
As a creative branding photographer, I now assist businesses, artists, and models in effectively communicating their brand’s services, skills, and talents to their core audience through the use of photography. I am continually dedicated to helping everyone around me achieve rich transformation and inspiring them to do the same.